We Are Praying For Israel!
"...whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him
shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14
shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." John 4:14
At Swissvale Baptist Church, you will find a place to call home. It is our desire to honor the Lord in everything we do, edify and encourage the believers in every part of their lives and reach the world with the free gift of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. You will find sound, challenging Biblical teaching, services which honor & glorify the Lord and loving, encouraging fellowship among born-again believers. Please come and visit one of our services today and see how the Lord can impact your life through Swissvale Baptist Church.
In Christ,
Pastor Mark E Strangman & the Members of Swissvale Baptist Church
In Christ,
Pastor Mark E Strangman & the Members of Swissvale Baptist Church
Sunday School (Classes for All Ages) - 10:00 AM; Sunday Morning Service - 11:00 AM; Sunday Afternoon Service - 4:00 PM
(Nursery available for ages 0-3 years during all services)
Wednesday Evening:
Bible Study & Prayer Meeting - 6:30 PM
Sunday School (Classes for All Ages) - 10:00 AM; Sunday Morning Service - 11:00 AM; Sunday Afternoon Service - 4:00 PM
(Nursery available for ages 0-3 years during all services)
Wednesday Evening:
Bible Study & Prayer Meeting - 6:30 PM
Swissvale Baptist Church is Live Streaming on Facebook Every Sunday at 11:00 AM!
(or watch them at any time later!)
You can always see recordings of our services here. Every Sunday Morning Service is posted by 2:00 PM and the Wednesday Evening Bible Study before 6:30 PM.
Moments of Hope with Dr. Marty Von
Current Series - "The Miracles of Jesus for 2025"
Click on button to access older posts
Please Visit the Bulletin Page to
Access Recent Bulletins
Current Services
(see Video Services page for archived services)
Sunday Morning Worship Service
"God's Aide for a Needful Church - The Resurrection (Part 6) -
The Capstone" (1 Corinthians 15:58)
Pastor Mark Strangman
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Wednesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer Meeting
Preview of "How We Got Our Bible" Series
2 Timothy 3:14-17
Pastor Mark Strangman - Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Creation Conference with Dr. George Matzko
Creation Conference #1
"The Universe's Precision Design"
Dr. George Matzko
Saturday- May 18, 2024
Creation Conference #2
"The Moon: A Signpost from God"
Dr. George Matzko
Saturday- May 18, 2024
Creation Conference #3
"God's Unseen Creation Revealed in Science"
Dr. George Matzko
Sunday - May 19, 2024
Creation Conference #4
"Beauty: The Hallmark of God's Creation"
Dr. George Matzko
Sunday - May 19, 2024
Creation Conference #5
"The Bible Said It First"
Dr. George Matzko
Sunday - May 19, 2024
Creation Conference #6
"Thermodynamics - Understanding the Impossibility of Evolution"
Dr. George Matzko
Monday - May 20, 2024
Creation Conference #7
"Noah's Flood - Fact or Fiction"
Dr. George Matzko
Tuesday - May 21, 2024
Creation Conference #8
"7 Lessons from Science in Job (Parts 1 & 2)"
Dr. George Matzko
Wednesday - May 22, 2024
Service Times:
10:00 AM - Sunday School
11:00 AM - Morning Service (Live streaming on Facebook)
4:00 PM - Sunday Afternoon Bible Study Hour
6:30 PM - Wednesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer Meeting
Covid-19 and Our Services:
Update: 8/6/2023
We are sensitive to the unique needs of our day so please be assured that our building is well cleaned weekly. We understand that some may feel the need to wear a face mask and we respect your personal choice to do so. We will not pass the offering plate at this time but will have a plate on the back table. Please Give Unto the Lord!
Concerning Covid-19:
Please know that the well being of our Members & Attenders is of serious concern for our church. As we seek to honor the Lord our first emphasis of ministry is an individual's spiritual condition, but we also strive to be responsible in every aspect of people's lives, including their emotional & physical well being.
1. We will continue to conduct all of our regular services. Worship is a corporate mandate of the Lord to the church and we cherish our times together worshiping the Lord as a Body of believers.
2. If you aren't feeling well we ask that you use good judgment and avoid contact with others. Our messages are posted online immediately following the morning service (or streaming live on Facebook) and we recommend that you listen there.
3. We will continue to insure that our facility is clean and as germ free as possible. Hand sanitizer is available and we urge everyone to use sound judgment.
We urge each believer to join with us in praying for the corona virus situation. We pray that the spread of this virus would be quickly stopped and that no more lives would be lost to it. We also pray for those who are truly frightened about it, some even to the point of panic. There is only one true source of peace and safety, the Lord Jesus Christ and we urge all believers to be ready to share the good news of His salvation with all around you, especially with those who are seeking for peace through these troubled times.
Sincerely in Jesus' Name,
Pastor Mark E Strangman
Swissvale Baptist Church
7419 Schoyer Avenue
Pittsburgh, Pa 15218
(412) 731-9646